
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Packing for a Two-Day Crop - Part 1

Since signing up for a crop a few days ago, I thought about how I'm going to have everything ready in time.

I want to share with you my thought process, and I'm hoping that it will help first-time crop-pers, and maybe even seasoned crop-pers, in figuring out what to bring.

Plan your project.  Since I have taken a crafting hiatus, I really have no on-going projects right now.  I've Googled tips on how to plan for a crop to make the most out of my time there, and saw that most experienced crop-pers plan their pages and their layouts in advance (if they are scrapbooking) or their card projects (if they are card-making).

I know I'm going to be working on r's baby scrapbook, but since I signed up late for this crop, I will not have the time to plan layouts, paper packs, embellishments, and photos for each page.  I've managed to choose some photos I've managed to scrapbook, and will bring what I need for them.

Make a list.  I'm a fan of making lists (I stick it in my planner and check things off as I go).  For this crop, I've made a list of things to bring, which I will share with you in more detail in my next post.  In order to avoid bringing my whole craft room with me, I focused on things that I think I will need to complete r's baby scrapbook.  Making a list helps me figure out what supplies I already have, and what supplies I need to buy.

Buy the things you need.  With little time left until Friday afternoon (when the crop begins), and with little time to go to the craft store (gasp!!!), I turn to the ever trusty Amazon.  With the supplies that I do have in abundance, I needed to buy:

I could not believe that I had no alphabet stamps for labels, journals, etc!!!  I've been eyeing this set from Lawn Fawn for a while, but am resisting the urge to buy all the alphabet stamps they have available (and trust me, they have plenty).  Does that sound familiar?  Needing to buy one thing, and then ending up buying ten times more than you originally planned to do?

I am bringing a paper trimmer, but I plan to use this to trim photos.  I have a full sized trimmer that I use for photos in the craft room but I wanted a smaller, more portable one for crops.  The trimmer I have had been discontinued, but I think this may be similar (maybe a little smaller).

I saw this at one of the Youtube videos that I've been watching (you can search "How to pack for crops" in Youtube).  The lady in the video said she uses this for trash at her table in a crop, so she won't need to keep getting up, especially if the trash can is in the other side of the room).  This folds down, so it's very compact and lightweight. 

I'm planning to bring a few Cricut cartridges with some "baby" images.  They will have Cricut machines at the crop, but since they may not have the cartridges that I will need for r's scrapbook, I've decided to just bring my own.  I'm going to take the cartridges out of their boxes for the crop, since packing them in their boxes will take up so much room.  Unfortunately, my Gypsy had died on me -- that would have been ideal for this crop.

The best part -- I have Amazon Prime!  I've had it since I gave birth to r, and it was very, very convenient.  My orders get to my door in two days, free!  Woo-hoo!

Pack your things in bags/containers that will do the job.  Even if I'm trying to keep the supplies that I'm bringing to a manageable amount, I still have a lot of supplies and things that I will be bringing with me.  I think it will be important that my things are organized, so I know where to find them in my bag.  I have this bag:
It is the Big Mama of scrapbooking/craft bag, but it's sturdy, holds a lot, has a lot of compartments, and it rolls.  I think it will do the job very nicely.

I will also be bringing with me this caddy, for my tools and my most reached-for things:

Having a game plan/strategy for this crop is helpful.  I feel like I am more prepared (all things considered), and hopefully have a decent chance at getting tons of scrapbooking done.

I'll share more photos of what I've packed in my next post.

Thanks for looking, and have a great day!!!

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