
Monday, November 17, 2014

I'm Still Here!!!

And I'm going to a crop this weekend!  Woo-hoo!

Excuse the exuberance.  I've been away from my blog, and paper crafting in general, that my supplies have gathered dust.  Well, not really.  Every now and then I went to my craft room to "play," but I had been overwhelmed with my responsibilities with family and work that crafting and "me" time had been pushed to the back burner.

In any case, I've arrived at some realizations:
1.  If something is important to me, then I have to make time for it.
2.  I need to have some time for myself, so that I can be a better wife, mom, and person.
3.  r is already 2 and a half years old, and I still haven't completed my pregnancy album.  I've yet to scrapbook so many of our life's moments that came when r was born.
4.  To jump start my creative mojo, I need to surround myself with like-minded people.

Enter the crop.  Ta-da.

I stumbled upon this crop's website less than 2 weeks before the event itself.  I just completed my registration today, which gives me:  Three.  Days. To plan/pack.

Did I mention that I have a family and work that both keep me fully occupied?


Review resolutions #1 to 4.  Okay, I can do this.  I'll go for now, I have to plan/pack.  Note to self:  "I can do this.  It's not impossible.  I can do this.  Go, C!!!"

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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